Stories of Ascension

Alice Weise

Nubian Hair Studio

Bronx, New York

“I’m not only creating the business for myself, but for the people in my community.” –Alice Weise

Alice is the owner of Nubian Hair Studio, a full-service natural hair salon in the Bronx dedicated to the care of natural hair. Originally from Jamaica, Alice has been passionate about haircare from a young age, styling hair and growing a clientele since she was 14 and later receiving her license from beauty school.

Alice differentiates her salon from others by prioritizing the needs of the customer on a holistic level, a testament to Alice’s attentive and caring personality. The décor and ambiance of Nubian Hair Studio exudes tranquility, a result of Alice’s desire to make her salon a much-needed haven from her clients’ hectic lives. “We want to create a very wonderful experience all around.”

Alice chose to open the salon in the same neighborhood she had lived in for decades, as she knew there was a strong need in that area for the kind of services her salon offered, and she wanted to provide for the residents of a place she knew well and loved deeply. “I’m not only creating the business for myself, but for the people in my community.” Alice provides extensive training to each newly hired employee, empowering them with skills to not only thrive at Nubian Hair Studio, but in all facets of their lives. “I train them to be able to sustain themselves.”

Alice was referred to Ascendus by NYC Business Solutions in the Bronx and as a result of Ascendus and JPMorgan Chase’s Entrepreneurs of Color Fund, she was able to receive a $12,000 loan. With her loan, Alice is now beginning to see her business goals progress, including hiring new employees and advancing her own training. Alice also recently participated in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program. “I’m planning for my future and having my own business allows me to live my life the way I want to live it. This is my passion, it’s what I love.” Alice plans to eventually transform Nubian Hair Studio into a wellness center, providing services such as massages and facials, to continue building a space of renewal and care that her community had been lacking.

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